The Secretary of State has the power to exclude (that is keep you out of the UK) & remove European Economic Association ("EEA") nationals, otherwise known as European economic migrants, from the UK if particular circumstances are not met or are no longer met by you.

What are the Circumstances in Which You Can be Excluded or Removed?

If you entered the UK as a European national and either took occupation as a student, worker, self-sufficient person, self-employed or became a family member, and later lost this status, you may have to expected to leave the UK. However, European Union law gives rights to citizens of European countries, those with historic rights to be here that have now lapsed, and to dependents and former of EEA nationals, in complex situations which have expanded with recent decisions of the European Court. Call us now on 0121 777 7715

Loss of EEA Rights

Where you live in the UK using your rights under European law, but face allegations that you have acted against the public interest, the Secretary of State may refuse to issue documents to which you think you are entitled, or revoke your existing documents. European Union law sometimes gives individuals strong rights to resist such actions.

Where you or a family member are outside the UK and you are seeking to enter the UK, an Immigration Officer may revoke a family permit for similar reasons. Call us now on 0121 777 7715

Do I have a Right of Appeal Against Exclusion and/or Removal?

Broadly speaking, EEA decisions made after 1st April 2003 attract a right of appeal. This is a complex area of law & specialist advice should be sought to clarify your legal position.

Call us now on 0121 777 7715

Should you need an in depth consultation, consultations are charged at £250 per hour. There is no VAT if you do not have permanent residence but remain in the UK. If you are a permanent resident, are settled or are British, VAT is applicable to this fee in addition.

Our team is dedicated to your successful UK Visa application and we make this commitment to all our clients:

  • Our initial free visa assessment means we select the right visa for you
  • Out team will guide you through the evidence and paperwork needed for your application
  • We will fully complete your application form and collate all necessary documentation
  • We will submit your application, documentation and evidence on time and on your behalf
  • We will liaise with the Home Office regularly to check that your application is progressing
  • We make our team available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

There is no better time to find out how we can help you so why not call us on 0121 777 7715 or use our UK Immigration Contact Form.

** this is dependent on whether the same day service is available for a particular category by the home office.


Has your application for a UK visa been refused? We have an excellent track record of successful appeals.

Meet our expert team

UK Migration Lawyers is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA Number 497640). Accredited immigration Law Solicitors. UK Migration Lawyers Ltd. / All rights reserved. Company Registration No 06702262 / Registered in England and Wales. Calls to our Solicitors' direct lines are note recorded. Calls to our mainline numbers listed on this website and to our client liaison officers are recorded; by calling these numbers you consent to these recordings being made and to their storage outside of the EU.