UK Migration Lawyers has over 30 years of combined immigration expertise at the highest levels and we specialise in complex immigration matters including . Immigration rules in the UK are constantly evolving and our team of SRA regulated solicitors and case workers will guide you through every step of the process toward your successful UK Visa application. We cut through the red tape so you don't have to.

Immigration into the UK is becoming harder and the rules ever more demanding. With Home Office refusal rates at an all time high, UK Migration Lawyers continue to achieve consistently positive outcomes on behalf of our clients.

Our team of immigration specialists can secure legal representation throughout the UK. We are not another faceless immigration consultancy - we are where you are and we are there when you need us. We understand that applying for a UK Visa is critical decision and one which needs to be managed carefully. As we appreciate many of our clients are extremely busy, we have formed a team who are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by phone or by email. We are always happy to hear from you. Why not call us on 020 3393 6970 and find out how we can help.

Our team is dedicated to your successful UK Visa application and we make this commitment to all our clients:

  • Our initial free visa assessment means we select the right visa for you
  • Out team will guide you through the evidence and paperwork needed for your application
  • We will fully complete your application form and collate all necessary documentation
  • We will submit your application, documentation and evidence on time and on your behalf
  • We will liaise with the Home Office regularly to check that your application is progressing
  • We make our team available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

There is no better time to find out how we can help you so why not call us on 020 3393 6970 oruse our contact form.

What our clients say about us...

Quotes IconI obtained advice from UK Migration Lawyers to assist me with my application for a visit visa. I had been refused a visit visa on two previous occasions; however UK Migration Lawyers were successful on their first attempt. I am very grateful for their assistance and they are highly recommended. I have since traveled to the UK and I had a brilliant trip. I will definitely use UK Migration Lawyers for all of my UK visa needs in the future.

Quotes IconExcellent communication and advise. All my queries were dealt with professionally and the service I had was within my expectations. I highly recommend UK migration lawyers.

Quotes IconRaashid Hussain has helped us through the most difficult times of our lives by just being thorough with the application process, answering my queries and understanding us. Thank you.

Is this service right for me?

Most removals from the UK of foreign nationals (that is if you are non-British and/or a non-EEA national), take place by way of 'administrative removal'. This is simply the removal of the person from the United Kingdom. Once outside the UK, the person can apply for re-entry under the Immigration Rules, although there may be issues regarding the trigger of a possible re-entry ban depending on the immigration history of the individual concerned. Administrative removal is distinct from deportation, in that a deportation order physically excludes the person from readmission to the UK for at least three years. However, an administrative removal is a direction and not an order to be removed and has no time period attached to the implementation of the removal.

This applies to illegal entrants, and those who became present in the UK illegally, i.e. overstayers and others who have breached the conditions of their stay in the UK.

However, the new Immigration Act 2014 has abolished the previous distinction between overstayers and illegal entrants, removing the need for separate removal directions to enforce removal and streamlining removal powers for family members. Contact our friendly team now to find out how we can help on 020 3393 6970 oruse our contact form.


Has your application for a UK visa been refused? We have an excellent track record of successful appeals.

Meet our expert team

UK Migration Lawyers is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA Number 497640). Accredited immigration Law Solicitors. UK Migration Lawyers Ltd. / All rights reserved. Company Registration No 06702262 / Registered in England and Wales. Calls to our Solicitors' direct lines are note recorded. Calls to our mainline numbers listed on this website and to our client liaison officers are recorded; by calling these numbers you consent to these recordings being made and to their storage outside of the EU.